Elvis Presley’s cousin Danny Smith, who grew up at Graceland with Lisa Marie, revealed The King’s special nickname in his inner circle, the food he would never eat and the truth behind that donkeys in the swimming pool rumour.
Diehard Elvis Presley fans probably know almost all there is to know about the King of Rock ‘n’ Roll.
But earlier this year one of his cousins shared some little gems that even some of his biggest fans might not have known before.
In a video on his YouTube channel, Danny Smith, the son of original Memphis Mafia member Billy Smith, shared the five facts.
Speaking on his Memphis Mafia Kid YouTube channel, Danny told how Elvis and his father Billy were once pulled over by the Memphis police.
The King had many vehicles, with plenty on display at Graceland to this day.
On this particular occasion, it turns out that the pair were driving a three-wheeler without helmets on. Danny also shared what Elvis’ special nickname was among his Memphis Mafia inner circle and the food The King refused to eat.
Elvis was called “Crazy” in private by his Memphis Mafia, presumably for his boyish nature, often being compared to Peter Pan by the Smith family.
Danny went on to speak of the famous Elvis sandwich, but clarified: “Elvis did not eat bacon actually on the peanut butter and banana sandwich. It was just the peanut butter and banana.” He added: “Elvis did not like to eat or smell fish.”
It’s true, The King couldn’t stand seafood and actually banned it from Graceland regardless of the tastes of his extended family members who lived with him in the mansion.